Translation into three languages
ẽdahap is more than a companies directory. Use our diverse services, such as, the translation of your company data in three languages: English, German and Arabic. The translation is carried out by highly qualified translators. Find now new multilingual business connections!
International business contacts
ẽdahap provides you with the chance to reach many potential business partners from English, German and Arabic speaking countries. Take the chance to present your company, nationally and internationally, to open up to new business partnerships, to find and to be found thereby.
Successfully pooling skills
Through ẽdahap, companies may make contacts worldwide and pool skills. This creates valuable synergies from which may benefit all participating companies. The German Arab Business Portal is your way to cross-company cooperation and valuable new business.
Your advantages
Professionelles FirmenprofilEigenständige Produktseiten
Aktuelle Neuigkeiten
Interkulturelle Kommunikation
Schnelle Kompetenzvermittlung
Umfangreiche Filtermöglichkeiten